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Four Chorister Brothers - audio CD

£9.99 via this website - please  send me a message via Contact!

The recordings of this CD were made 45-50 years ago by Sir Bryan Thwaites, using a quality Ferrograph mono reel-to-reel recorder in the organ loft of Winchester Cathedral. It is an evocative collection of services between 1965 and 1972.

In 2015-2016 I restored and then mixed these recordings, having found the original tapes to be in surprisingly good condition. Mastering was done by Marcel van Limbeek, and then the tracks were produced in this commercial CD available for £9.99. Please send me a message via Contacts Page if you would like a copy! The CD is also for sale in the Winchester Cathedral Gift Shop.

I was Glad (Parry) - Winchester Cathedral Choir 1972

Here is a snippet from the CD, Track 9

Hubert Parry's anthem "I Was Glad"

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